/ Tools ~ Java EE Support Patterns


This page provides a consolidated view of all articles related to Java and Java EE troubleshooting tools and approaches.

Java high CPU troubleshooting guide

Java high CPU analysis tools

Java Heap monitoring tools

·         JRockit jrcmd

Java Heap analysis tools

·         Memory Analyzer (MAT)


Hi PH,

Latency events encountered by an application in a Jrockit JVM can easily be identified by using JRMC's 'CPU/Threads/Latencies' view

Are there any opensource/commercial profilers or other options, which can do the same for Hotspot JVM? I explored VisualVM,Eclipse TPTP etc, however could not find anything matching the view provided by JRMC.

Can you please suggest anything on this?


I have come across a GCeasy tool http://gceasy.io for GC log analysis. It is pretty good with insights and graphs

Hi, After my first load test, memory utilization reached 60%, after one hour or next day if starts second load test memory starts from 60% on wards, generally after load test completion all the session are expired from the server, but memory stays there only. Any idea on this.(It is purely Java based project)

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