/ 2012 ~ Java EE Support Patterns


Java Thread: retained memory analysis

This article will provide you with a tutorial allowing you to determine how much and where Java heap space is retained from your active application Java threads. A true case study from an Oracle Weblogic 10.0 production environment will be presented in order for you to better understand the analysis process.

We will also attempt to demonstrate that excessive garbage collection or Java heap space memory footprint problems are often not caused by true memory leaks but instead due to thread execution patterns and high amount of short lived objects.


As you may have seen from my past JVM overview article, Java threads are part of the JVM fundamentals. Your Java heap space memory footprint is driven not only by static and long lived objects but also by short lived objects.

OutOfMemoryError problems are often wrongly assumed to be due to memory leaks. We often overlook faulty thread execution patterns and short lived objects they “retain” on the Java heap until their executions are completed. In this problematic scenario:

  • Your “expected” application short lived / stateless objects (XML, JSON data payload etc.) become retained by the threads for too long (thread lock contention, huge data payload, slow response time from remote system etc.)
  •  Eventually such short lived objects get promoted to the long lived object space e.g. OldGen/tenured space by the garbage collector
  • As a side effect, this is causing the OldGen space to fill up rapidly, increasing the Full GC (major collections) frequency
  • Depending of the severity of the situation this can lead to excessive GC garbage collection, increased JVM  paused time and ultimately OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
  • Your application is now down, you are now puzzled on what is going on
  • Finally, you are thinking to either increase the Java heap or look for memory leaks…are you really on the right track?
In the above scenario, you need to look at the thread execution patterns and determine how much memory each of them retain at a given time.

OK I get the picture but what about the thread stack size?

It is very important to avoid any confusion between thread stack size and Java memory retention. The thread stack size is a special memory space used by the JVM to store each method call. When a thread calls method A, it “pushes” the call onto the stack. If method A calls method B, it gets also pushed onto the stack. Once the method execution completes, the call is “popped” off the stack.

The Java objects created as a result of such thread method calls are allocated on the Java heap space. Increasing the thread stack size will definitely not have any effect. Tuning of the thread stack size is normally required when dealing with java.lang.stackoverflowerror or OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread problems.

Case study and problem context

The following analysis is based on a true production problem we investigated recently.

  • Severe performance degradation was observed from a Weblogic 10.0 production environment following some changes to the user web interface (using Google Web Toolkit and JSON as data payload)
  • Initial analysis did reveal several occurrences of OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space errors along with excessive garbage collection. Java heap dump files were generated automatically (-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError) following OOM events
  • Analysis of the verbose:gc logs did confirm full depletion of the 32-bit HotSpot JVM OldGen space (1 GB capacity)
  • Thread dump snapshots were also generated before and during the problem
  • The only problem mitigation available at that time was to restart the affected Weblogic server when problem was observed
  • A rollback of the changes was eventually performed which did resolve the situation
The team first suspected a memory leak problem from the new code introduced.

Thread dump analysis: looking for suspects…

The first analysis step we did was to perform an analysis of the generated thread dump data. Thread dump will often show you the culprit threads allocating memory on the Java heap. It will also reveal any hogging or stuck thread attempting to send and receive data payload from a remote system.

The first pattern we noticed was a good correlation between OOM events and STUCK threads observed from the Weblogic managed servers (JVM processes). Find below the primary thread pattern found:

<10-Dec-2012 1:27:59 o'clock PM EST> <Error> <BEA-000337>
<[STUCK] ExecuteThread: '22' for queue:
'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'
has been busy for "672" seconds working on the request
which is more than the configured time of "600" seconds.

As you can see, the above thread appears to be STUCK or taking very long time to read and receive the JSON response from the remote server. Once we found that pattern, the next step was to correlate this finding with the JVM heap dump analysis and determine how much memory these stuck threads were taking from the Java heap.

Heap dump analysis: retained objects exposed!

The Java heap dump analysis was performed using MAT. We will now list the different analysis steps which did allow us to pinpoint the retained memory size and source.

1. Load the HotSpot JVM heap dump

2. Select the HISTOGRAM view and filter by “ExecuteThread”

* ExecuteThread is the Java class used by the Weblogic kernel for thread creation & execution *

As you can see, this view was quite revealing. We can see a total of 210 Weblogic threads created. The total retained memory footprint from these threads is 806 MB. This is pretty significant for a 32-bit JVM process with 1 GB OldGen space. This view alone is telling us that the core of the problem and memory retention originates from the threads themselves.

3. Deep dive into the thread memory footprint analysis

The next step was to deep dive into the thread memory retention. To do this, simply right click over the ExecuteThread class and select: List objects > with outgoing references.

As you can see, we were able to correlate STUCK threads from the thread dump analysis with high memory retention from the heap dump analysis. The finding was quite surprising.

3. Thread Java Local variables identification

The final analysis step did require us to expand a few thread samples and understand the primary source of memory retention.

As you can see, this last analysis step did reveal huge JSON response data payload at the root cause. That pattern was also exposed earlier via the thread dump analysis where we found a few threads taking very long time to read & receive the JSON response; a clear symptom of huge data payload footprint.

It is crucial to note that short lived objects created via local method variables will show up in the heap dump analysis. However, some of those will only be visible from their parent threads since they are not referenced by other objects, like in this case. You will also need to analyze the thread stack trace in order to identify the true caller, followed by a code review to confirm the root cause.

Following this finding, our delivery team was able to determine that the recent JSON faulty code changes were generating, under some scenarios, huge JSON data payload up to 45 MB+. Given the fact that this environment is using a 32-bit JVM with only 1 GB of OldGen space, you can understand that only a few threads were enough to trigger severe performance degradation.

This case study is clearly showing the importance of proper capacity planning and Java heap analysis, including the memory retained from your active application & Java EE container threads.

Learning is experience. Everything else is just information

I hope this Java Thread Example has helped you understand how you can pinpoint the Java heap memory footprint retained by your active threads by combining thread dump and heap dump analysis. Now, this article will remain just words if you don’t experiment so I highly recommend that you take some time to learn this analysis process yourself for your application(s).

Please feel free to post any comment or question.


QOTD: Weblogic threads

This is the first post of a new series that will bring you frequent and short “question of the day” articles. This new format will complement my existing writing and is designed to provide you with fast answers for common problems and questions that I often get from work colleagues, IT clients and readers.

Each of these QOTD posts will be archived and you will have access to the entire list via a separate page. I also encourage you to post your feedback, recommendations along with your own complement answer for each question.

Now let’s get started with our first question of the day!


What is the difference between Oracle Weblogic thread states & attributes (Total, Standby, Active, idle, Hogging, Stuck)?


Weblogic thread state can be a particularly confusing topic for Weblogic administrators and individuals starting to learn and monitor Weblogic threads. The thread monitoring section can be accessed for each managed server Managed server under the Monitoring > Threads tab.

As you can see, the thread monitoring tab provides a complete view of each Weblogic thread along with its state. Now let’s review each section and state so you can properly understand how to assess the health.

# Summary section

  • Execute Thread Total Count: This is the total number of threads “created” from the Weblogic self-tuning pool and visible from the JVM Thread Dump. This value correspond to the sum of: Active + Standby threads
  • Active Execute Threads: This is the number of threads “eligible” to process a request. When thread demand goes up, Weblogic will start promoting threads from Standby to Active state which will enable them to process future client requests
  • Standby Thread Count: This is the number of threads waiting to be marked “eligible” to process client requests. These threads are created and visible from the JVM Thread Dump but not available yet to process a client request
  • Hogging Thread Count: This is the number of threads taking much more time than the current execution time in average calculated by the Weblogic kernel
  • Execute Thread Idle Count: This is the number of Active threads currently “available” to process a client request

In the above snapshots, we have:

  • Total of 43 threads, 29 in Standby state and 14 in Active state
  • Out of the 14 Active threads, we have 1 Hogging thread and 7 Idle threads e.g. 7 threads “available” for request processing
  • Another way to see the situation: we have a total of 7 threads currently “processing” client request with 1 out of 7 in Hogging state (e.g. taking more time than current calculated average)

# Thread matrix

This matrix gives you a view of each thread along with its current state. There is one more state that you must also understand:

  • STUCK: A stuck thread is identified by Weblogic when it is taking more time than the configured stuck thread time (default is 600 seconds). When facing slowdown conditions, you will normally see Weblogic threads transitioning from the Hogging state followed by STUCK, depending how long these threads remain stuck executing their current request


Java Heap Dump: Are you up to the task?

If you are as much enthusiasm as I am on Java performance, heap dump analysis should not be a mystery to you. If it is then the good news is that you have an opportunity to increase your Java troubleshooting skills and JVM knowledge.

The JVM has now evolve to a point that it is much easier today to generate and analyze a JVM heap dump vs. the old JDK 1.0 – JDK 1.4 days.

That being said, JVM heap dump analysis should not be seen as a replacement for profiling & JVM analysis tools such as JProfiler or Plumbr but complementary. It is particularly useful when troubleshooting Java heap memory leaks and java.lang.OutOfMemoryError problems.

This post will provide you with an overview of a JVM heap dump and what to expect out of it. It will also provide recommendations on how and when you should spend time analyzing a heap dump. Future articles will include tutorials on the analysis process itself.

Java Heap Dump overview

A JVM heap dump is basically a “snapshot” of the Java heap memory at a given time. It is quite different than a JVM thread dump which is a snapshot of the threads.

Such snapshot contains low level detail about the java objects and classes allocated on the Java heap such as:

  • Java objects such as Class, fields, primitive values and references
  • Classloader related data including static fields (important for classloader leak problems)
  • Garbage collection roots or objects that are accessible from outside the heap (System classloader loaded resources such as rt.jar, JNI or native variables, Threads, Java Locals and more…)
  • Thread related data & stacks (very useful for sudden Java heap increase problems, especially when combined with thread dump analysis)
Please note that it is usually recommended to generate a heap dump following a full GC in order to eliminate unnecessary “noise” from non-referenced objects.

Analysis reserved for the Elite?

One common misperception I have noticed over the last 10 years working with production support teams is the impression that deeper analysis tasks such as profiling, heap dump or thread dump analysis are reserved for the “elite” or the product vendor (Oracle, IBM…).

I could not disagree more.

As a Java developer, you write code potentially running in a highly concurrent thread environment, managing hundreds and hundreds of objects on the JVM. You do have to worry not only about concurrency issues but also on garbage collection and the memory footprint of your application(s). You are in the best position to perform this analysis since you are the expert of the application.

Find below typical questions you should be able to answer:

  • How much concurrent threads are needed to run my application concurrently as per load forecast? How much memory each active thread is consuming before they complete their tasks?
  • What is the static memory footprint of my application? (libraries, classloader footprint, in-memory cache data structures etc.)
  • What is the dynamic memory footprint of my application under load? (sessions footprint etc.)
  • Did you profile your application for any memory leak?
Load testing, profiling your application and analyzing Java heap dumps (ex: captured during a load test or production problem) will allow you to answer the above questions. You will then be in position to achieve the following goals:

  • Reduce risk of performance problems post production implementation
  • Add value to your work and your client by providing extra guidance & facts to the production and capacity management team; allowing them to take proper IT improvement actions
  • Analyze the root cause of memory leak(s) or footprint problem(s) affecting your client IT production environment
  • Increase your technical skills by learning these performance analysis principles and techniques
  • Increase your JVM skills by improving your understanding of the JVM, garbage collection and Java object life cycles
 The last thing you want to reach is a skill “plateau”. If you are not comfortable with this type of analysis then my recommendations are as per below:

  • Ask a more senior member of your team to perform the heap dump analysis and shadow his work and approach
  • Once you are more comfortable, volunteer yourself to perform the same analysis (from a different problem case) and this time request a more experienced member to shadow your analysis work
  • Eventually the student (you) will become the mentor
When to use

Analyzing JVM heap dumps should not be done every time you are facing a Java heap problem such as OutOfMemoryError. Since this can be a time consuming analysis process, I recommend this analysis for the scenarios below:

  • The need to understand & tune your application and / or surrounding API or Java EE container itself memory footprint
  • Java heap memory leak troubleshooting
  • Java classloader memory leaks
  • Sudden Java heap increase problems or trigger events (has to be combined with thread dump analysis as a starting point)

 Now find below some limitations associated with heap dump analysis:

  • JVM heap dump generation is an intensive computing task which will hang your JVM until completed. Proper due diligence is required in order to reduce impact to your production environment
  • Analyzing the heap dump will not give you the full Java process memory footprint e.g. native heap. For this purpose, you will need to rely on other tools and OS commands for that purpose
  • You may face problems opening & parsing heap dumps generated from older version of JDK’s such as 1.4 or 1.5
Heap dump generation techniques

JVM heap dumps are typically generated as a result of 2 actions: 

  • Auto-generated or triggered as a result of a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError (e.g. Java Heap, PermGen or native heap depletion)
  • Manually generated via the usage of tools such as jmap, VisualVM (via JMX) or OS level command
# Auto-triggered heap dumps

If you are using the HotSpot Java VM 1.5+ or JRockit R28+ then you will need to add the following parameter below at your JVM start-up:


The above parameter will enable to HotSpot VM to automatically generate a heap dump following an OOM event. The heap dump format for those JVM types is HPROF (*.hprof).

If you are using the IBM JVM 1.4.2+, heap dump generation as a result of an OOM event is enabled by default. The heap dump format for the IBM JVM is PHD (*.phd).

# Manually triggered heap dumps

Manual JVM heap dumps generation can be achieved as per below:

  • Usage of jmap for HotSpot 1.5+
  • Usage of VisualVM for HotSpot 1.6+ * recommended *
** Please do your proper due diligence for your production environment since JVM heap dump generation is an intrusive process which will hang your JVM process until completion **

If you are using the IBM JVM 1.4.2, you will need to add the following environment variables from your JVM start-up:

export IBM_HEAPDUMP=true
export IBM_HEAP_DUMP=true

For IBM JVM 1.5+ you will need to add the following arguments at the Java start-up:


java -Xdump:none -Xdump:heap:events=vmstop,opts=PHD+CLASSIC
JVMDUMP006I Processing Dump Event "vmstop", detail "#00000000" - Please Wait.
JVMDUMP007I JVM Requesting Heap Dump using
JVMDUMP010I Heap Dump written to
JVMDUMP007I JVM Requesting Heap Dump using
JVMDUMP010I Heap Dump written to
JVMDUMP013I Processed Dump Event "vmstop", detail "#00000000".

Please review the Xdump documentation  for IBM JVM1.5+. 

For Linux and AIX®, the IBM JVM heap dump signal is sent via kill –QUIT or kill -3. This OS command will trigger JVM heap dump generation (PHD format).

I recommend that you review the MAT summary page on how to acquire JVM heap dump via various JVM & OS combinations.

Heap dump analysis tools

My primary recommended tool for opening and analyzing a JVM heap dump is Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT). This is by far the best tool out there with contributors such as SAP & IBM. The tool provides a rich interface and advanced heap dump analysis capabilities, including a “leak suspect” report. MAT also supports both HPROF & PHD heap dump formats.

I recommend my earlier post for a quick tutorial on how to use MAT and analyze your first JVM heap dump. I have also a few heap dump analysis case studies useful for your learning process.

Final words

I really hope that you will enjoy JVM heap dump analysis as much as I do. Future articles will provide you with generic tutorials on how to analyze a JVM heap dump and where to start. Please feel free to provide your comments.


IBM AIX: Java process size monitoring

This article will provide you with a quick reference guide on how to calculate the Java process size memory footprint for Java VM processes running on IBM AIX 5.3+ OS.

This is a complementary post to my original article on this subject: how to monitor the Java native memory on AIX. I highly recommend this read to any individual involved in production support or development of Java applications deployed on AIX.

Why is this knowledge important?

From my perspective, basic knowledge on how the OS is managing the memory allocation of your JVM processes is very important. We often overlook this monitoring aspect and only focus on the Java heap itself.

From my experience, most Java memory related problems are observed from the Java heap itself such as garbage collection problems, leaks etc. However, I’m confident that you will face situations in the future involving native memory problems or OS memory challenges. Proper knowledge of your OS and virtual memory management is crucial for proper root causes analysis, recommendations and solutions.

AIX memory vs. pages

As you may have seen from my earlier post, the AIX Virtual Memory Manager (VMM) is responsible to manage memory requests from the system and its applications.

The actual physical memory is converted and partitioned in units called pages; allocated either in physical RAM or stored on disk until it is needed. Each page can have a size of 4 KB (small page), 64 KB (medium page) or 16 MB (large page). Typically for a 64-bit Java process you will see a mix of all of the above.

What about the topas command?

The typical reflex when supporting applications on AIX is to run the topas command, similar to Solaris top. Find below an example of output from AIX 5.3:

As you can see, the topas command is not very helpful to get a clear view on the memory utilization since it is not providing the breakdown view that we need for our analysis. It is still useful to get a rough idea of the paging space utilization which can give you a quick idea of your top "paging space" consumer processes. Same can be achieved via the ps aux command.

AIX OS command to the rescue: svmon

The AIX svmon command is by far my preferred command to deep dive into the Java process memory utilization. This is a very powerful command, similar to Solaris pmap. It allows you to monitor the current memory “pages” allocation along with each segment e.g. Java Heap vs. native heap segments. Analyzing the svmon output will allow you to calculate the memory footprint for each page type (4 KB, 64 KB, and 16 MB).

Now find below a real example which will allow you to understand how the calculation is done:

# 64-bit JVM with -Xms2048m & -Xmx2048m (2 GB Java Heap)
# Command: svmon –P <Java PID>

As you can see, the total footprint of our Java process size was found at 2.2 GB which is aligned with current Java heap settings. You should be able to easily perform the same memory footprint analysis from your AIX environment

I hope this article has helped you to understand how to calculate the Java process size on AIX OS. Please feel free to post any comment or question.


java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: How to resolve

This article is intended for Java beginners facing java.lang.ClassNotFoundException challenges. It will provide you with an overview of this common Java exception, a sample Java program to support your learning process and resolution strategies.

If you are interested on more advanced class loader related problems, I recommended that you review my article series on java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError since these Java exceptions are closely related.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Overview

As per the Oracle documentation, ClassNotFoundException is thrown following the failure of a class loading call, using its string name, as per below:

  • The Class.forName method
  • The ClassLoader.findSystemClass method
  • The ClassLoader.loadClass method
In other words, it means that one particular Java class was not found or could not be loaded at “runtime” from your application current context class loader.

This problem can be particularly confusing for Java beginners. This is why I always recommend to Java developers to learn and refine their knowledge on Java class loaders. Unless you are involved in dynamic class loading and using the Java Reflection API, chances are that the ClassNotFoundException error you are getting is not from your application code but from a referencing API. Another common problem pattern is a wrong packaging of your application code. We will get back to the resolution strategies at the end of the article.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Sample Java program

* A ClassNotFoundException YouTube video is now available.

Now find below a very simple Java program which simulates the 2 most common ClassNotFoundException scenarios via Class.forName() & ClassLoader.loadClass(). Please simply copy/paste and run the program with the IDE of your choice (Eclipse IDE was used for this example).

The Java program allows you to choose between problem scenario #1 or problem scenario #2 as per below. Simply change to 1 or 2 depending of the scenario you want to study.

# Class.forName()
private static final int PROBLEM_SCENARIO = 1;

# ClassLoader.loadClass()
private static final int PROBLEM_SCENARIO = 2;

# ClassNotFoundExceptionSimulator
package org.ph.javaee.training5;

 * ClassNotFoundExceptionSimulator
 * @author Pierre-Hugues Charbonneau
public class ClassNotFoundExceptionSimulator {
       private static final String CLASS_TO_LOAD = "org.ph.javaee.training5.ClassA";
       private static final int PROBLEM_SCENARIO = 1;
        * @param args
       public static void main(String[] args) {
             System.out.println("java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Simulator - Training 5");
             System.out.println("Author: Pierre-Hugues Charbonneau");
             switch(PROBLEM_SCENARIO) {
                    // Scenario #1 - Class.forName()
                    case 1:
                           System.out.println("\n** Problem scenario #1: Class.forName() **\n");
                           try {
                                 Class<?> newClass = Class.forName(CLASS_TO_LOAD);
                                 System.out.println("Class "+newClass+" found successfully!");
                           } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                                 System.out.println("Class "+CLASS_TO_LOAD+" not found!");
                           } catch (Throwable any) {                           
                                 System.out.println("Unexpected error! "+any);
                    // Scenario #2 - ClassLoader.loadClass()
                    case 2:
                           System.out.println("\n** Problem scenario #2: ClassLoader.loadClass() **\n");                     
                           try {
                                 ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();            
                                 Class<?> callerClass = classLoader.loadClass(CLASS_TO_LOAD);
                                 Object newClassAInstance = callerClass.newInstance();
                                 System.out.println("SUCCESS!: "+newClassAInstance);
                           } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                                 System.out.println("Class "+CLASS_TO_LOAD+" not found!");
                           } catch (Throwable any) {                           
                                 System.out.println("Unexpected error! "+any);
             System.out.println("\nSimulator done!");

# ClassA
package org.ph.javaee.training5;

 * ClassA
 * @author Pierre-Hugues Charbonneau
public class ClassA {
private final static Class<ClassA> CLAZZ = ClassA.class;
       static {
             System.out.println("Class loading of "+CLAZZ+" from ClassLoader '"+CLAZZ.getClassLoader()+"' in progress...");
       public ClassA() {
             System.out.println("Creating a new instance of "+ClassA.class.getName()+"...");
       private void doSomething() {           
             // Nothing to do...

If you run the program as is, you will see the output as per below for each scenario:

#Scenario 1 output (baseline)
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Simulator - Training 5
Author: Pierre-Hugues Charbonneau

** Problem scenario #1: Class.forName() **

Class loading of class org.ph.javaee.training5.ClassA from ClassLoader 'sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@bfbdb0' in progress...
Class class org.ph.javaee.training5.ClassA found successfully!

Simulator done!

#Scenario 2 output (baseline)
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Simulator - Training 5
Author: Pierre-Hugues Charbonneau

** Problem scenario #2: ClassLoader.loadClass() **

Class loading of class org.ph.javaee.training5.ClassA from ClassLoader 'sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@2a340e' in progress...
Creating a new instance of org.ph.javaee.training5.ClassA...
SUCCESS!: org.ph.javaee.training5.ClassA@6eb38a

Simulator done!

For the “baseline” run, the Java program is able to load ClassA successfully.

Now let’s voluntary change the full name of ClassA and re-run the program for each scenario. The following output can be observed:

#ClassA changed to ClassB
private static final String CLASS_TO_LOAD = "org.ph.javaee.training5.ClassB";

#Scenario 1 output (problem replication)
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Simulator - Training 5
Author: Pierre-Hugues Charbonneau

** Problem scenario #1: Class.forName() **

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.ph.javaee.training5.ClassB
       at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:366)
       at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:355)
       at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
       at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:354)
       at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:423)
       at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:308)
       at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:356)
       at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
       at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:186)
       at org.ph.javaee.training5.ClassNotFoundExceptionSimulator.main(ClassNotFoundExceptionSimulator.java:29)
Class org.ph.javaee.training5.ClassB not found!

Simulator done!

#Scenario 2 output (problem replication)
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Simulator - Training 5
Author: Pierre-Hugues Charbonneau

** Problem scenario #2: ClassLoader.loadClass() **

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.ph.javaee.training5.ClassB
       at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:366)
       at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:355)
       at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
       at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:354)
       at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:423)
       at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:308)
       at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:356)
       at org.ph.javaee.training5.ClassNotFoundExceptionSimulator.main(ClassNotFoundExceptionSimulator.java:51)
Class org.ph.javaee.training5.ClassB not found!

Simulator done!

What happened? Well since we changed the full class name to org.ph.javaee.training5.ClassB, such class was not found at runtime (does not exist), causing both Class.forName() and ClassLoader.loadClass() calls to fail.

You can also replicate this problem by packaging each class of this program to its own JAR file and then omit the jar file containing ClassA.class from the main class path  Please try this and see the results for yourself…(hint: NoClassDefFoundError)

Now let’s jump to the resolution strategies.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Resolution strategies

Now that you understand this problem, it is now time to resolve it. Resolution can be fairly simple or very complex depending of the root cause.

  • Don’t jump on complex root causes too quickly, rule out the simplest causes first.
  • First review the java.lang.ClassNotFoundException stack trace as per the above and determine which Java class was not loaded properly at runtime e.g. application code, third party API, Java EE container itself etc.
  • Identify the caller e.g. Java class you see from the stack trace just before the Class.forName() or ClassLoader.loadClass() calls. This will help you understand if your application code is at fault vs. a third party API.
  • Determine if your application code is not packaged properly e.g. missing JAR file(s) from your classpath
  • If the missing Java class is not from your application code, then identify if it belongs to a third party API you are using as per of your Java application. Once you identify it, you will need to add the missing JAR file(s) to your runtime classpath or web application WAR/EAR file.
  • If still struggling after multiple resolution attempts, this could means a more complex class loader hierarchy problem. In this case, please review my NoClassDefFoundError article series for more examples and resolution strategies
I hope this article has helped you to understand and revisit this common Java exception.
Please feel free to post any comment or question if you are still struggling with your java.lang.ClassNotFoundException problem.