/ February 2012 ~ Java EE Support Patterns


HashMap.get High CPU – Case Study

This article will describe the complete root cause analysis and solution of a HashMap High CPU problem (infinite looping) affecting a Weblogic 10.0 environment running on the Java HotSpot VM 1.5. This case study will again demonstrate this importance of mastering Thread Dump analysis skill and CPU correlation techniques such as Solaris prstat. Environment specifications -        Java EE server: Oracle Weblogic Portal 10.0 -        Middleware OS: Solaris 10 -        Java VM: Java HotSpot VM 1.5 -       ...


Java Heap Space – JRockit VM

This article will provide you with an overview of the JRockit Java Heap Space vs. the HotSpot VM. It will also provide you some background on Oracle future plans regarding JRockit & HotSpot. Oracle JRockit VM Java Heap: 2 different memory spaces The JRockit VM memory is split between 2 memory spaces: -        The Java Heap (YoungGen and OldGen) -        The Native memory space (Classes pool, C-Heap, Threads...) Memory Space Start-up arguments and tuning Monitoring strategies Description Java Heap -Xmx (maximum Heap space) -Xms...


Weblogic Free Consultation

This post is to inform you that I provide free Weblogic consulting services via this Blog root cause analysis forum & email. I will do my very best to provide you with guidance and share with you my tips on how resolve common Weblogic problems along with best practices. My expertise background is as per below: ·        10 years of experience with development, support and hardening of Java EE systems and currently working as a full time employee at CGI Inc. Canada ·        Deep understanding and experience with Java EE containers such as Oracle Weblogic, Red Hat...

How to analyze Thread Dump – Part 3: HotSpot VM

This is part 3 of our Thread Dump analysis series which will provide you with an overview of what is a JVM Thread Dump for the HotSpot VM and the different Threads that you will find. Detail for the IBM VM Thread Dump format will be provided in the part 4. ** UPDATE: Thread Dump analysis tutorial videos now available here. Please note that you will find the Thread Dump sample used for this article from the root cause analysis forum. JVM...


Java Heap Space – IBM VM

This short article will provide you with a high level overview of the different Java memory spaces for the IBM VM.  This understanding is quite important given the implementation & naming convention differences between HotSpot & IBM VM. IBM VM: 2 different memory spaces The IBM VM memory is split between 2 memory spaces: -        The Java Heap (nursery and tenured spaces) -        The Native Heap (C-Heap) Memory Space Start-up arguments and tuning Monitoring strategies Description Java Heap -Xmx (maximum Heap space) -Xms...

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