/ June 2013 ~ Java EE Support Patterns


Java GC tool from IBM: Tutorial on JCG – Part 1

This post is to inform you that we just released on Java Code Geeks the first article of a new series dedicated to the free IBM Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer tool. GCMV is a great and free tool, developed by IBM, which allows you to “visualize” and analyze the internal JVM memory usage and GC activity of your Java application(s). The part 1 can be found here. As usual, please feel free to comment and share your experience with GCMV. Best regards, P-H Senior IT Consultant Java EE Support Patterns ...


IT Cloud Providers: A definitive guide from DZone

This post is to inform you that DZone has released a comprehensive guide that can help you and your client to choose the right Cloud provider for your business needs. This reference guide includes: 100 pages of cloud product analysis. 9 categories of cloud providers analyzed and compared. 35+ of the most active cloud solutions and their feature sets. Surveys of 400+ IT professionals on their cloud preferences. I highly recommend...

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