/ July 2013 ~ Java EE Support Patterns


Plumbr 3.0 – An evolutive approach for Java memory leaks

Most Java developers are familiar with the concept of “memory leaks”. In the Java world, it essentially means the constant expansion of a particular memory space such as the Java heap, PermGen & Metaspace (Java 8) or the native memory. Such leaks are often the result of Java code problems from your applications, third part API’s or even inside the Java EE container and JDK code base. The level of complexity to pinpoint and resolve these types...


Java Just-In-Time compilation: more than just a buzzword

A recent Java production performance problem forced me to revisit and truly appreciate the Java VM Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler. Most Java developers and support individuals have heard of this JVM run time performance optimization but how many truly understand and appreciate its benefits? This article will share with you a troubleshooting exercise I was involved with following the addition of a new virtual server (capacity improvement and horizontal scaling...

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