/ May 2015 ~ Java EE Support Patterns


Java Application Scalability

Eric Smith from AppDynamics recently released a great article on application scalability. Essentially the main point is that the ability or effectiveness of scaling vertically/horizontally your application depend on various factors, more complex than just looking at the OS CPU and memory utilization. Proper usage of the right tools and capture of application specific metrics are crucial in order to identify tuning opportunities. This approach will also help you determine the right initial and incremental infrastructure/middleware sizing for your on-premise or in the cloud production environment, reducing your client hardware/hosting...


DevOps and Continuous Delivery - Weekly articles

I would like to inform my fellow readers that I am currently preparing a cluster of fresh articles on Java Performance following intense troubleshooting and performance tuning work over the past 12 months. In the meantime, I recommend the following list of fresh DevOps related articles from Electric Cloud which offer different perspectives on this practice. Please stay tune for more updates... Thanks. P-...

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